Harness Files | Interview with Cara & Lily

Harness Files | Interview with Cara & Lily

We have a winner, ladies and gentleman! 

Back in 2019, we introduced a new series to our blog called the Harness Files! This is where we reach out to customers who’ve made noticeable impressions to our team online and we ask them about their experience with the Joyride Harness (formerly known as Pug Life Harness) and their fur baby. 

This interview is a special case as we’ve connected with one of the winners of our weekly Joyride Harness giveaways, Cara Laytham!

Cara received the Best Friends Animal Society pattern Joyride Harness as part of her giveaway prize for her fur baby Belle to enjoy! We’ve got to say, Lily looks pawfect. 

Ready to meet this little cutie?

Meet Lily

Joyride Harness: How did Lily join your family?

Cara: She was rescued in July and joined our other 2 dogs, Rain (16 year old jack russell/chihuahua) and Kion (4 year old Golden beagle).

Joyride Harness: How would you describe the joy Lily brings to your life?

Cara: We love the companionship the dogs provide us and the kids love running around with dogs.

Joyride Harness: How would you describe your walking experience before and after Joyride Harness?

Cara: Lily is a small dog bit. I'm not sure that she ever spent much time on a leash before we brought her home. Lots of pulling and running all over. The Joyride Harness is so easy to put on a dog that never stops moving and it's easier to control her when she gets excited seeing other dogs. Now if only the barking could stop!

Joyride Harness: If Lily could spend a day doing everything they loved, what would that day look like?

Cara: Lily loves to play with.the kids or sit on the rocking chair on out patio and watch the lake and trees behind us.

Joyride Harness: Which actor or actress would you cast to voice Lily in a live-action dog movie?

Cara: I'm not sure who would voice her in a dog movie, but I feel like it would have to be someone with a lot of energy who talks a lot and very fast.

Joyride Harness would like to thank Cara for taking the time for an interview and giving us all the chance to learn more about Lily who looks absolutely smashing in her Best Friends Animal Society dog harness. This harness is a limited edition style and quantities for sizes are limited in supply. Click the link below if you liked the harness Lily wears!


If you’re interested in having your fur baby spotlighted in our Harness Files blog series, post on Instagram using the tags @joyrideharness and #JoyrideHarness for a chance to be featured and our Joyride Harness team will connect with you! 

*Joyride Harness runs weekly giveaways for prize bundles valuing at least $120 each week! Want in on the next giveaway? Don’t miss it and make sure you’re following our Facebook page for updates on when they launch: CLICK HERE

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